Through continuous advocacy NACA CEO/Founder Bruce Marks was able to take down Fleet and garner a commitment of more than $100 million dedicated to NACA's best in America mortgage program.
Banking on Publicity, Mr. Marks Got Fleet to Lend Billions (1994)
Banking on Publicity, Mr. Marks Got Fleet to Lend Billions (1994) The Wall Street Journal By Suzanne Alexander Ryan February 11, 1994 Banking on Publicity, Mr. Marks Got Fleet to...
Associated Press – Banking Campaign of Terror
NACA CEO & Founder, Bruce Marks pushes the big banks hard and unconventionally in the battle against alleged discrimination in lending.
‘I Want To Be The Banks’ Worst Nightmare’
Housing activist and NACA CEO Bruce Marks hones in on unfair lending practices.
Shawmut signs $7m Settlement in 2d-Mortgage Case
Shawmut signs $7m settlement in 2d-mortgage case The Boston Globe By Mitchell Zuckoff February 29, 1992
BayBanks agrees to home-loan settlement (1992)
The Boston Globe BayBanks agrees to home-loan settlement (1992) By Peter S Canellos February 21, 1992
Union Accord To Establish Housing Fund
Local 26 representing more than 3,000 hotel workers has become the first labor organization in the nation to win establishment of an affordable-housing fund as a contract benefit.
Union Chief makes housing an issue (1988)