(Hampton, VA) NACA (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America), the nation’s largest HUD certified, non-profit housing counseling and community advocacy organization, is bringing a massive homeownership event to the Hampton Roads Convention Center for four days from Thursday, July 11th through Sunday, July 14th. This “Réalisez le rêve" event will bring extraordinary homeownership opportunities with NACA’s Best in America Mortgage program. Thousands of people will attend from Virginia, DC, Maryland, the Carolinas and beyond to take advantage of NACA’s program.
Au cours de cette opération de prêt hypothécaire à guichet unique, le programme NACA offre des possibilités d'accession à la propriété sans précédent pour les acheteurs de maison à revenu faible à modéré avec la Meilleur en Amérique hypothèque qui ne nécessite aucun acompte, aucun frais de clôture, aucun PMI, à un taux fixe inférieur au marché and without consideration of a homebuyer’s credit score. The interest rate is 3.5% APR for 30-year fixed and 2.75% APR 15-year fixed (as of 7/3/19) with the ability to permanently buy-down the interest to virtually zero percent. As Forbes magazine noted, every lender with a low down payment mortgage charges a different interest rate depending on the borrowers circumstances. Then they pointed out, “There is one exception, NACA, that charges the same rate regardless of the credit score”. Lenders have committed $15 Billion to the NACA program with Bank of America has committing $10 Billion to the NACA mortgage. NACA counselors and underwriters will be on-site at the event to approve many homebuyers in one day for the NACA Mortgage.
« Cela peut sembler trop beau pour être vrai », déclare Bruce Marks, PDG et fondateur de la NACA, mais la NACA a un bilan remarquable de succès sans précédent sur 20 ans avec cette hypothèque exceptionnelle. Avec plus de 60 000 propriétaires NACA et l'un des taux de forclusion les plus bas, nous avons démontré que les travailleurs disposant d'une épargne limitée effectuent leurs versements hypothécaires. Aussi bon que cela puisse paraître, c'est encore mieux, c'est pourquoi des milliers d'acheteurs assistent à chacun de nos événements Achieve the Dream.
The Hampton Achieve the Dream event runs Thursday, July 11th through Sunday, July 14th from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM each day. Tens of thousands of people have attended the 19 previous Achieve the Dream events across the country, which have destroyed the myth that it is not possible to lend on affordable terms to low-to-moderate income and minority individuals on a large scale. The Achieve the Dream event is open to all prospective homebuyers and all current homeowners who have an unaffordable mortgage. NACA services are free of charge and walk-ins are welcome. (cliquez pour l'histoire CNBC)