OÙ:Miami Airport Convention Center, MACC East Hall, 711 NW 72sd Ave., Miami FL 33126
LORSQUE:Media Opportunity – Press conference Thursday, October 11e, 11:00 a.m.
QUI:Thousands of homebuyers, NACA homeowners, NACA CEO Bruce Marks, Bank of America Executives, Miami and Florida political figures, and community leaders.

(MIAMI, FL ) – Thursday, October 11th at 11:00 a.m. NACA will kick off the plus grand événement d'accession à la propriété dans l'histoire de la Floride at its “Achieve the Dream” one-stop mortgage event at the Miami Airport Convention Center.  NACA and Bank of America executives will be joined by political and community leaders to highlight the extraordinary homeownership opportunities provided during this four-day event. 

Ten years after the beginning of the mortgage crisis, NACA is the one bright light in the disastrous lack of mortgage lending for low to moderate-income and minority borrowers.  Thousands will attend the Achieve the Dream event because their families, friends, co-workers and neighbors around the country have told them that NACA is the organization to achieve affordable homeownership.

The NACA program directly confronts the affordable housing crisis with the Best Mortgage in America that requires no down payment, no closing costs, no PMI, at a below market fixed rate and no need for perfect credit. During this one-stop mortgage operation homebuyers will attend a homebuyer workshop, meet one-on-one with a NACA Counselor, and have their file underwritten to be pre-approved for NACA’s extraordinary mortgage often in one day. 

La NACA offre les mêmes conditions à tous les emprunteurs, dont beaucoup ont renoncé à l'accession à la propriété. Comme l'a déclaré le magazine Forbes dans sa comparaison des meilleurs prêts hypothécaires à faible mise de fonds, « Il existe une exception, la NACA, qui facture le même taux quel que soit le pointage de crédit ». Bank of America a engagé $10 milliards dans le programme hypothécaire NACA.   

“The NACA Mortgage, without the need for a down payment or closing costs, eliminates the significant savings requirement that locks out many homebuyers in today’s market”, stated Bruce Marks, NACA’s CEO and founder.  “In addition, NACA’s below market fixed rate with the ability to buy it down even further with government assistance provides a monthly payment that makes it possible to purchase homes in South Florida despite the limited supply,” continues Bruce Marks.

The Miami Achieve the Dream event runs Thursday, October 11e au dimanche 14 octobree from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day. The event is open to all prospective homebuyers, and NACA services are free of charge.  Previous NACA Achieve the Dream events have been spectacularly successful with more than 5,000 participants at each one and thousands of pre-approvals across the country. These events have destroyed the myth that it is not possible to lend on affordable terms to low-to-moderate income and minority individuals on scale.

La souscription d'hypothèques NACA n'utilise pas les critères restrictifs et inefficaces de « prêt basé sur le risque ». Les souscripteurs de la NACA évaluent chaque emprunteur en fonction de sa situation individuelle, en éliminant les retards de paiement qu'ils ne contrôlent pas et en tenant compte des facteurs compensatoires. Tous les emprunteurs bénéficient des mêmes conditions extraordinaires :

  • Aucun acompte requis
  • Aucun frais de clôture (prêteur payé)
  • Pas de frais
  • Ratio prêt-valeur -100% pour l'achat et 110% pour les achats avec une cure de désintoxication
  • Aucune considération de pointage de crédit
  • Taux d'intérêt fixe inférieur au marché
  • Durée de 15 ou 30 ans entièrement amortissable
  • Buy-down pour réduire définitivement le taux d'intérêt à pratiquement zéro pour cent
  • Fonds d'achat et de rénovation disponibles

NACA already has an impressive track record. During the mortgage crisis, through NACA’s Save the Dream events over 250,000 homeowners were able to modify their unaffordable mortgages, often the same day. The Miami Save the Dream events were incredible with tens of thousands of homeowners. Now, NACA’s Achieve the Dream events provide the same extraordinary outcomes for many thousands of homebuyers and continue to assist homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage.

L'événement Réalisez le rêve est ouvert à tous les acheteurs potentiels. Les services de la NACA sont gratuits et les personnes sans rendez-vous sont les bienvenues.

Liens médias :
Vidéo NACA
Local 10 Miami
Spectre Actualités Charlotte

À propos de la NACA (
The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to economic justice through home ownership and community action. Founded by economic advocate Bruce Marks over thirty years ago, NACA is the largest HUD certified counseling agency with more than two million members nationwide. Through programs such as the Best in America Mortgage and HomeSave, NACA has helped thousands of consumers modify an unaffordable existing home loan or secure a mortgage to purchase a new home. With 50 offices nationwide, and our HUD approved housing counseling agency providing about 50% of the total counseling in the country, NACA is setting the national standard. NACA’s proven process allows low to modest income consumers to realize the American dream of homeownership. Bank of America and CitiMortgage have committed $13 billion to NACA pre-approved mortgage loans. #AchieveTheDreamNACA.