Layoffs are continuing from large businesses to small companies, consider a new rewarding career! NACA is hiring!
NACA is addressing the critical need to access affordable housing with affordable mortgages by hiring dedicated, hardworking individuals that can begin an impactful career path at NACA.
Bruce Marks, NACA CEO and Founder of recently proclaimed, “I have the best job in America.” NACA offers employment opportunities in Mortgage Counseling, Administrative Representatives, Real Estate Agents, Human Resources, and Research. At NACA the benefits of employment are numerous: Socially rewarding, competitive salaries, inhouse training and career development, robust health insurance and benefits.
Please click here to see NACA employment opportunities.
- Meet Dee Davis, NACA Social Media Community Manager
Started in 1988, NACA is the largest HUD-approved nonprofit, community advocacy and homeownership organization in the United States. NACA has been the forefront in fighting predatory lending and was the first to campaign against predatory lenders in the 1980s, coining the term “Predatory Lending”. NACA has been the most effective organization in providing affordable solutions to over 500,000 homeowners during the mortgage crisis. NACA provides the best mortgage in the country through its 47 offices nationwide. NACA’s founder and CEO Bruce Marks was named Bostonian of the Year for 2007 for his work getting the major lenders and servicers to modify home loans. He has also testified before Congress on numerous occasions including September 12, 2000, being one of the few to sound the alarm of the pending mortgage crisis. For more information, please visit