(Atlanta, GA) – On Saturday October 12th at 11:00 a.m at the First Iconium Baptist Church, located at 542 Moreland Avenue in Atlanta, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), will celebrate its unprecedented housing program with the largest home ownership rally in U.S. history.
This event will also launch the crusade against the country’s most notorious financial predator, Ford Motor Company, and the world’s largest financial institution that ignores the needs of working people, Fannie Mae.
“Once NACA announced the kickoff of this program the response has been incredible,” states Bruce Marks, NACA Executive Director. “We have had non-stop phone calls for the past week, and over 5,000 people have confirmed their participation. We understand that thousands more are coming in contingents from employers, churches and communities.”
The event will serve as the first step for thousands in the NACA home ownership program. Working people will receive the benefit of mortgages with no down-payment, no closing costs, and liberal underwriting that may sound too good to be true, but is the reality for thousands of NACA homeowners. Speaking at the event will be NACA homeowners, mortgage scam victims, ministers and bank representatives.
This is the continuation of NACA’s nationwide expansion. “While we have had thousands of participants at the openings in other cities,” states Reverend Graylan Ellis-Hagler, NACA Development Director, “this event will propel the NACA program to become the national standard in comforting discriminatory and predatory lending as well as in providing incredible home ownership opportunities for working people.”