(St. Louis, MO) America’s foremost non-profit housing advocacy organization will bring St. Louis area residents the opportunity to take the first step toward home ownership at a FREE Home Buyer’s Workshop conducted by the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) on Saturday, October 3rd from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm at the William J. Harrison Education Center, 3140 Cass Avenue in St. Louis.
NACA, the nation’s largest HUD certified non-profit agency, will present its groundbreaking mortgage program, offering no down payment, no closing costs, no personal mortgage insurance, and perfect credit is not required. NACA’s program also offers a fixed, below-market interest rate and the opportunity to buy the rate down further to nearly zero. And all of NACA’s services are FREE OF CHARGE.
“For more than a quarter of a century, NACA has fought for homeowners,” according to Bruce Marks, NACA Founder and CEO. “We believe that home ownership is a right and NACA’s 30-year Best Mortgage in America and 15-year Freedom Loan programs bring that opportunity to people who might otherwise be denied a loan or fall victim to predatory lenders.
Since its founding in 1988, NACA has been a tireless advocate for housing rights in the United States, from exposing predatory lenders to creating massive foreclosure prevention events and establishing innovative lending programs to give low and moderate income buyers the opportunity to acquire the personal and financial stability that comes with home ownership.
The journey has gone from the streets of Boston to the halls of Congress and coast to coast. At different times the adversaries have been greedy bankers, ineffective government agencies and even scam artists who were taking advantage of others’ hardships.
The results have been historic. Establishment of unmatched lending opportunities that have resulted in nearly 40,000 families getting the keys to a home of their own. Implementing a plan to re-fill the deserted neighborhoods of Detroit and rebuild home ownership in one of America’s most economically devastated cities. Development of a unique 15-year mortgage product designed to help build equity and personal wealth more rapidly than other mortgages. More than a quarter million homes saved through mortgage modifications. And the opening salvos have been fired in the next battle: The massive student debt crisis that is stalling the economic recovery and preventing millennials from becoming fully participating members of the economy.
NACA’s programs have been highlighted on the national and local news as the most effective in providing affordable homeownership, including the recent history making Detroit Neighborhood Initiative: