特纳市长、NACA 首席执行官兼美国银行高管宣布 $100 百万美元的美国最佳抵押贷款给休斯顿

(德克萨斯州休斯顿) On Tuesday March 19 at 1:00 p.m. at Houston’s City Hall, Mayor Sylvester Turner, NACA’s CEO Bruce Marks, a Bank of America executive and many NACA homeowners will announce a commitment of $100 million of the Best Mortgage in America to Houston homebuyers.  This will create unprecedented homeownership opportunities in Houston for low and moderate income buyers by breaking down the barriers that prevent many working people from buying a home. The NACA program features no down payment, no closing costs, no PMI, a below market fixed rate, without consideration of one’s credit score. With Houston’s financial assistance and other funds, homebuyers can buy down the interest rate to virtually zero percent.  

NACA 为所有借款人提供相同的条款,其中许多人之前已经放弃了房屋所有权。正如福布斯杂志在比较最佳低首付抵押贷款时所观察到的那样,“有一个例外,NACA,无论信用评分如何,都收取相同的利率”。美国银行已向全国的 NACA 抵押贷款计划承诺了 $100 亿。   

Bruce Marks explained, “NACA believes homeownership is a right, and we are here to see that Houston’s working people have the opportunity they deserve to achieve their piece of the American Dream.”

The $100 million commitment comes in advance of NACA’s Achieve the Dream event March 21-24 at Greenspoint Mall. Thousands of area homebuyers will attend to begin the process of accessing the NACA mortgage at the event, and many will leave the event pre-qualified and ready to begin the search for a home they can truly call their own.