Press Release – November 1, 2021
Contact: Jill Konopka, NACA Director of Communications Cell: 617-477-7274/[email protected]
(Roxbury, MA) NACA is proudly endorsing India Walton for Mayor of Buffalo. NACA encourages NACA Members and all voters in Buffalo, N.Y. to head to the polls on Election Day, Tuesday November 2, 2021 to make your vote count, by casting your ballot for India Walton.
NACA will significantly impact the mayoral race with more than 13,000 NACA Members in New York’s second largest city. NACA has already demonstrated its political influence in Georgia with more than 340,000 Members. NACA, through its PAC, Economic Justice for All, was instrumental in the senate victories for Senator Raphael Warnock and Senator Jon Ossoff. In addition, NACA’s reputation in fighting for and providing affordable homeownership will carry additional weight in forming potential housing partnerships when Walton is voted into office, as Buffalo’s first female mayor.
NACA was first instrumental in providing affordable homeownership in Boston beginning in the mid 1980’s. Over the years, NACA has grown significantly across the United States by creating affordable homeownership opportunities to low and low to moderate income and minority homebuyers. Today, NACA is in a position to provide solutions and elect a mayor who will create affordable homeownership options including holding the developers accountable.
“I am confident”, states Bruce Marks NACA’s CEO, “that India Walton will continue fighting for affordable and fair housing for all when Buffalonians elect her into office. NACA is one of the most effective programs in the country in closing the racial and wealth disparity gap with three million members and over 85% of NACA homeowners being people of color.”
“As a lifelong Buffalonian, single mother, and nurse, I am passionate about housing as a human right and am excited to have the support of NACA to begin to finally close the homeownership gap in Buffalo and Western, New York,” stated India Walton.
NACA has been at the forefront in the fight for affordable homeownership since the 1980’s when NACA launched campaigns against predatory lenders and coined the term “Predatory Lending.” NACA has since become the nation’s largest HUD approved non-profit home ownership and community advocacy organization. NACA provides the Best Mortgage in America with $20 billion with the following incredible terms: no down payment, no closing cost, no fees at a below market fixed rate (2.125% 30 yr. fixed or 1.375% 15 yr. fixed as of 10/30/21).
Started in 1988, NACA is the largest HUD-approved nonprofit, community advocacy and homeownership organization in the United States. NACA has been the forefront in fighting predatory lending and has been the most effective organization in providing affordable solutions to over 250,000 homeowners. NACA provides the best mortgage in the country through its 48 offices nationwide. NACA’s founder and CEO Bruce Marks was named 年度波士顿人 for 2007 because of his work in getting the major lenders and servicers to modify home loans. He has also testified before Congress on numerous occasions including September 12, 2000 being one of the few to sound the alarm of the pending mortgage crisis. For more information, please visit www.naca.com