
(华盛顿特区) 10 月 29 日星期三 at 11:00 a.m., hundreds of homeowners will demonstrate and take other actions at the headquarters of Fannie Mae, 3900 Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, DC.  NACA, which provides the best solution for struggling homeowners, is taking this action given Fannie Mae’s dominant position and refusal to provide long-term solutions for at-risk homeowners. 

房利美设定了行业止赎程序的标准。房利美在美国拥有或担保 30% 的房屋贷款,并为该行业确定了“可接受的服务实践”。在数万亿美元的政府救助未能解决金融崩溃和大规模止赎之后,现在的重点是为面临风险的房主提供真正的解决方案。    


  • 要求房主迟到四个月
  • 拒绝将利率永久降低至低于当前市场利率。
  • 拒绝减少未偿还本金金额。
  • 只提供短期解决方案
  • 鼓励掠夺性做法,例如只付利息的解决方案


NACA 首席执行官布鲁斯·马克斯 (Bruce Marks) 表示:“虽然国会和政府将大量纳税人的资金投入到无效的解决方案和华尔街和贷方的救助中,但他们拒绝实施止赎危机的最有效解决方案。 “房利美对负担得起的解决方案最有抵抗力。实际上,美国纳税人拥有的房利美对美国纳税人进行了不必要的赎回”。

NACA 和 FDIC 主席 Shelia Bair 已经通过重组负担不起的抵押贷款指明了道路。重组解决方案根据房主的预算永久降低利率和/或未偿还本金。 NACA 主要是通过与前三大贷方/服务商和 FDIC 的具有法律约束力的协议来实现这一点,他们对 IndyMac 的所有权。

NACA 将通过与数百名房主的直接行动来个性化该问题。

什么:  呼吁对房利美采取行动  

什么时候: 10 月 29 日,星期三,上午 11:00

在哪里: 房利美总部,3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC

为什么: 房利美拒绝重组抵押贷款以使其负担得起 

About the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA –

Founded in 1988, NACA is a national non-profit community advocacy and homeownership organization headquartered in Boston. Through its 40 offices nationwide, NACA has set the national standard in restructuring mortgages to what the homeowners can afford for thousands of homeowners. 

News of NACA’s program and advocacy has been featured in national and local media. The Boston Globe has chosen Bruce Marks, founder and CEO of the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), as its 2007 Bostonian of the Year. There is tremendous recognition for the effectiveness of NACA’s advocacy and for providing real, affordable homeownership solutions for working people. Bostonian of the Year.