数以万计的房主涌向 NACA 的哥伦比亚 SC Save the Dream Event 以重组他们的抵押贷款

(哥伦比亚,南卡罗来纳州) Starting on Friday, March 13th at 9:00 a.m. through Monday, March 16, the Carolina Coliseum (701 Assembly Street) in Columbia, South Carolina will turn into a mobile servicing operation enabling thousands of homeowners to lower their mortgage payments.  Never before have hundreds of NACA’s mortgage counselors been paired with tens of thousands of homeowners from throughout the south east to help them permanently reduce their interest rates to less than five percent often to as low as three and two percent for the life of the loan. NACA’s unprecedented Save the Dream Event is in South Carolina at the invitation of House Majority Whip and South Carolina Congressman James E. Clyburn.

NACA 通过在需要时永久降低利率和未偿还本金,为数以万计的房主提供了最佳解决方案。哥伦比亚房主 Threasa Smith 已经从 NACA 全国最佳的抵押贷款解决方案中受益。 NACA 将她无法负担的抵押贷款减少到贷款期限内固定的 3.75%。 “这听起来好得令人难以置信,但我就是活生生的证据。我每个月节省 $400,我很高兴地告诉大家这项免费服务的存在,”史密斯说。  


下午 2:30 在卡罗莱纳体育馆举行的新闻发布会: NACA 首席执行官 Bruce Marks 将与国会议员 James E. Clyburn 和国会议员 John Spratt 一起向公众通报此次活动的最新情况,并宣布房主迄今为止取得的一些新的抵押贷款解决方案。

NACA 的重组解决方案为数以千计的自住业主制定了长期解决方案的国家标准。 NACA 之所以能够做到这一点,是因为它已与该国最大的贷方/服务商签订了具有法律约束力的协议,涵盖了超过 90% 的风险房主。贷方将随时待命,当场批准解决方案。