

(马萨诸塞州波士顿) – 4 月 18 日星期二 at 11:00 a.m. hundreds of people will confront Fleet Stockholders at the Annual Meeting that will be held in the World Trade Center in protest of Fleet’s exorbitant fees.  The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (“NACA”) has organized this action at Fleet’s annual meeting as well as in the greater Boston area.  

星期二对于新英格兰来说是独一无二的,因为它是美国唯一在这一天纳税的地区,也是唯一一个受一家主要金融机构统治而没有竞争的地区。在接管其竞争对手波士顿银行后,Fleet 成为新英格兰唯一的大型银行机构。由于几乎没有其他选择,许多消费者被迫使用 Fleet 广泛的银行分行和 ATM 网络。 Fleet 正在利用其市场支配地位和缺乏竞争对其客户征收高额费用。  

成千上万的新英格兰居民对 Fleet 感到厌烦,不想再忍受他们糟糕的服务和剥削性的费用。  

Bruce Marks, NACA CEO, states, “Fleet set the standard for its predatory lending practices in the second mortgage scam.  Now Fleet is setting the standard in using fees to extort money from working people throughout New England.”  Customers that do not have thousands of dollars in their bank account are subject to fees for virtually every transaction and communication they have with Fleet.

4 月 18 日上午 11:00 在世界贸易中心举行的 Fleet 年会上,数百名 Fleet 客户和抗议者将关注 Fleet 的首席执行官 Terrence Murray 和总裁 Charles Gifford.  In addition, there will be a Fleet Tax Protest Caravan that will take the issue directly to Fleet.