抵押贷款计算器对于根据负担得起的每月抵押付款确定抵押金额至关重要。 NACA 的住房顾问与成员合作,为他们准备住房所有权,包括确定由本金、利息、税收、保险和 HOA 组成的负担得起的抵押贷款付款。虽然可负担的最高抵押贷款支付额不会改变,但抵押金额取决于 NACA 当前低于市场的利率以及特定财产的税收、保险和 HOA。因此,抵押贷款计算器是根据会员负担得起的抵押贷款付款确定特定财产是否负担得起的地方

按揭计算器 (估计)

The calculator below will give you an idea of the following: 1) Maximum Purchase Price based on your desired monthly mortgage payment; or 2) Monthly Mortgage Payment based on your desired purchase price. Your maximum mortgage amount with the NACA Mortgage combines the purchase price and any rehab escrow which cannot exceed the conforming loan limit of $484,350 in most areas and $726,525 in high cost areas with considerably higher amounts for multi-family properties. Also, your income determines where you can purchase as per NACA’s eligibility requirements.
