NACA 和 Fleet 宣布历史性贷款协议

(马萨诸塞州波士顿) – 5 月 8 日星期三 at 1:00 p.m. the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) and FleetBoston will hold a press conference at 61 Wellington Hill Street in Mattapan announcing a historic lending agreement.   This press conference will take place at the home of the first homeowner to purchase a home through this NACA and Fleet partnership.  Many new homeowners, Fleet and NACA officers will join Marie Guerrier at her new home.  

The lending agreement will provide $200 million in the best mortgage product in America.  This is the largest private sector lending agreement in Massachusetts history.  Working people will be able to purchase a home with no downpayment, no closing costs, no fees and without perfect credit.   The interest rate will be one percent below market (currently at 6.00% fixed for 30 years).   Mortgages will be available throughout Massachusetts and Connecticut.   Through this agreement NACA is currently establishing new offices in Springfield and New Haven in addition to its existing 26 offices throughout the United States.  States Bruce Marks, NACA CEO

“At a time when the state government is pulling back from its commitment to provide affordable housing for working people, NACA and FleetBoston have stepped forward to not just fill the void but provide a higher standard for both the public and private section to strive towards”.   

Fleet Bank 首席执行官 Chad Gifford 也同样热情 “我们很高兴为马萨诸塞州和康涅狄格州的另外 20,000 个工薪家庭提供拥有住房的机会”,FleetBoston 首席执行官 Chad Gifford 表示。 “该协议将大大有助于满足我们的贷款协议,并且是我们对新英格兰消费者承诺的延续”。

NACA 和 Fleet 的官员将与政府官员和许多 NACA 房主和成员一起参加新闻发布会。这对 NACA 和 Fleet 来说都是一个历史性的时刻。


时间:下午 1:00

地点:61 Wellington Hill, Mattapan