NACA’s Save the Dream Tour offers Free Same Day Solutions for Homeowners with Unaffordable Mortgages
(Detroit, MI) – On Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 11:00 p.m. in Detroit’s COBO Center’s Wayne Hall, homeowners will join NACA CEO Bruce Marks to announce the nation’s largest and most effective foreclosure prevention event to ever hit Michigan. Marks will take reporters on a tour of this extraordinary operation which will host all the major lenders, investors and counselors saving homeowners hundreds and sometimes over a thousand dollars a month often on the same day. This event will run for five days beginning at 8:00 a.m. Thursday August 4日 through Monday August 8日. Everything is Free!
NACA’s Save the Dream (of Homeownership) Tour was featured on 60 Minutes. They highlighted how NACA’s Foreclosure Prevention Event gets more than half of its attendee’s lower mortgage payments the same day
During most Save-the-Dream events, homeowners camp outside for a chance to save their homes. Many carry blankets, pillows, food and water as they line up outside waiting for the doors to open. NACA, the nation’s leading homeownership and largest HUD certified non-profit counseling organization brings the Save-the-Dream event to Detroit to help those homeowners who want to stay in their homes at an affordable payment.
Redford, MI homeowners Kevin and Jennifer Thomas said NACA already threw them a lifeline. “We didn’t want to lose our home, but thanks to NACA and our lender, our interest rate dropped from 6.6% to 2% fixed for the life of the loan saving hundreds a month. We’re thankful and relieved,” said Jennifer Thomas.
NACA is the most effective organization in the country in saving homes, saving families and sometimes saving lives. NACA’s Save the Dream Tour has helped tens of thousands of homeowners across the country. Many had their mortgage payment reduced by over $500 a month and some over a $1,000 with interest rates reduced to as low as 2% and sometimes a principal reduction. Many receive a permanent restructure the same day.
There will be hundreds of NACA counselors to determine an affordable mortgage payment for the borrower, and hundreds of staff from all the major lenders to process and approve these solutions. NACA has legally binding contracts with all of the major lender/servicers, and investors including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make mortgages affordable.
NACA’S CEO Bruce Marks was named Bostonian of the Year for 2007 because of his work in getting the major lenders and servicers to modify home loans for borrowers who come through NACA. See 年度波士顿人。 He has also testified in congress on numerous occasions including on September 12, 2000, being one of the only people to sound the alarm of the pending mortgage crisis. NACA’s Save the Dream Tour has been one shining light in the mortgage crisis. And all NACA services are FREE. Sign up at or call 888-499-6222.