*****************PRESS RELEASE*******************
- Contact: Jill Konopka, NACA Director of Communications
- Cell: 617-477-7274 [email protected]
- Contact: 蒂姆·特朗布尔, National Media Coordinator
- Cell: 617-947-2632 [email protected]
- WHO: NACA and at-risk renters
- 什么: Tenants Rising Campaign
- 什么时候: Nov. 16日 at 11:00 a.m.
- 在哪里: Twin Towers 200 Piedmont Avenue SE, Atlanta (Georgia Department of Community Affairs)
(乔治亚州亚特兰大) On Tuesday Nov. 16 at 11:00 a.m. NACA will launch a national Tenants Rising grassroots campaign to support at-risk renters seeking help from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (“DCA”) which is mismanaging the provision of Emergency Rental Assistance (“ERA”). The tenants will be joined by NACA Members, community activists, politicians and other supporters to demand that eligible tenants receive these crucial funds. While the DCA is working through its three-month backlog, many tenants are being evicted and thrown onto the streets. This campaign is a continuation of NACA’s aggressive advocacy during the mortgage crisis with campaigns against lenders and government officials and the resulting over 250,000 affordable solutions for at-risk homeowners.
This is the first major action against one of the worst administrators of the over 500 authorized grantees of the ERA funds. NACA is organizing tenants nationwide to continue this grassroots advocacy to hold all the providers responsible for effective administration of this $47 Billion in rental assistance. NACA has reached out to its massive nationwide Membership, and currently over 30,000 tenants have submitted their information requesting assistance through NACA’s website at www.naca.com. In October, NACA launched a team of Economic Advocates to assist tenants facing eviction nationwide. The Economic Advocates contact the tenants, counsel and assist them in submitting applications and navigating this complicated and confusing process in obtaining the funds. The Economic Advocates have already assisted hundreds of tenants nationwide in accessing ERA funds and preventing evictions. In addition, the advocates continue to identify the ERA providers who are overwhelmed, unable or unwilling to effectively administer the funds to those most in need. Applicants should start by going to www.naca.com, and completing the online application form.
“It is personal”, states Bruce Marks NACA’s CEO, who continues, “the rental assistance has been mismanaged beginning with the federal government, led by White House Coordinator Gene Sperling, which has not provided the support or oversight to the local providers. NACA will target the ineffective providers though demonstrations and actions wherever they are. This is the beginning of tenants rising up and not taking no for an answer. This advocacy is absolutely critical since already thousands of tenants have been evicted and millions are critically close to the devastating consequences of mass evictions.”
The situation is becoming desperate for people who don’t have alternate living opportunities available. Eviction has been avoided for Georgia mother Sanquita Barnett thanks to NACA. Due to the relentlessness of NACA’s Economic Advocate Cecily Murray, Barnett’s landlord on November 8, 2021 received $7,000.00 for past due and advanced rent. Barnett had applied for ERA funds through TLAC on July 18日. “This feels amazing. I literally have been laid off twice in 2021 due to COVID. My unemployment benefits never started, I’m still waiting for them. If it wasn’t for NACA, me and my three children would have nowhere to go.”
Started in 1988, NACA has led the fight for affordable homeownership and is the largest HUD-approved nonprofit, community advocacy and homeownership organization in the United States. NACA has been the forefront in fighting for homeowners and against abusive lenders coining the term “Predatory lending”. NACA has been the most effective organization in providing affordable solutions to over 250,000 homeowners. NACA provides the best mortgage in the country through its 48 offices nationwide. NACA provides the best mortgage in America with $20 billion to lend with no down payment, no closing cost, no fees at a below market fixed rate (2.0% 30 yr. fixed APR or 1.375% 15 yr. fixed APR as of 11/9/2021). NACA’s 美国最好的 mortgage program breaks down barriers to homeownership that have prevented primarily low and moderate income and minority homebuyers from achieving the American Dream of homeownership and building generational wealth. NACA is one of the most effective programs in the country in closing the racial and wealth disparity gap with three million members and more than 85% of NACA homeowners being people of color. NACA’s founder and CEO Bruce Marks was named 年度波士顿人 for 2007 because of his work in getting the major lenders and servicers to modify home loans. He has also testified before Congress on numerous occasions including September 12, 2000 being one of the few to sound the alarm of the pending mortgage crisis. For more information, please visit www.naca.com.