(Charlotte, NC) – On Tuesday February 6日 at 11:00 a.m. at 600 East Fourth Street room 267, NACA, Mayor Lyles, NACA’s CEO Bruce Marks, Bank of America representatives, City Counselors, community leaders and many others will announce the beginning of NACA’s homeownership tour that is to become the most important homeownership initiative in recent history. Low and moderate income borrowers will have the unprecedented opportunity to obtain NACA’s Best in America mortgage (No downpayment, No Closing Costs at a below market fixed rate). Charlotte will be first of these One Stop Homeownership Events where borrowers over the four days can be approved for the NACA Mortgage. NACA plans to continue these events nationwide with the next being in Miami, continuing in Ohio and then more than twenty cities throughout 2018.
NACA’s Charlotte event begins Thursday, February 8日 through Sunday, February 11日 at 5835 Executive Center Drive, Charlotte, NC 28212, in the Charlotte East Business Park. Doors will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. each day. NACA’s housing counselors will work with homeowners to become ready for homeownership and determine a mortgage payment they can afford. Everyone who attends and works with their NACA counselor will have the opportunity to be approved for the NACA Mortgage with many accomplishing this during the event. NACA’s counseling program is one of the nation’s largest HUD certified and is recognized as one of the best.
Mayor Lyles worked with NACA to begin the first event to Charlotte. The city of Charlotte provides $8,000 to $18,000 grants to make homeownership affordable in Charlotte. “The goal of owning a home is something we aspire to and build toward for everyone in our city,” said Charlotte Mayor Vi Alexander Lyles. “I welcome this partnership with NACA because it will help Charlotteans turn that aspiration into a reality.” Mayor Lyles worked with NACA CEO Bruce Marks to bring the Achieve the Dream event to Charlotte, and will take part in a press conference to welcome the event on Tuesday.
“Affordable housing is a huge issue in Charlotte and many cities across the country. Home ownership is still at some of the lowest levels in the past 50 years, especially for working people. The overwhelming majority of people attending the Achieve the Dream event will be low and moderate-income home buyers, many of them first time home buyers”, according to NACA Founder and CEO Bruce Marks. “Our Achieve the Dream events mirror our previous tours by giving thousands of people an opportunity to work with a NACA counselor in a single weekend. They will have the opportunity to start the process of buying a home and building personal financial security. Many will actually qualify for an affordable mortgage the same day.”
NACA的 美国最好的 Mortgage Program will be highlighted at the event. Home buyers who purchase through the NACA program buy with no down payment, no closing costs, no points or fees and no PMI. Everyone receives a below market interest rate (4.125%/30 year and 3.75%/15 year, as of 2/2/18) and perfect credit is not required. The interest rate can also be bought down to virtually zero. This is a truly unique opportunity for homebuyers to realize the dream of affordable homeownership, and NACA services are 免费.
NACA 有 $13 亿承诺用于其抵押贷款计划,全国已通过 NACA 计划购买了 60,000 多套房屋。
Participants can purchase homes anywhere in their area and the cost of significant repairs or renovation can be built into the mortgage if needed. Single family homes, condos and co-ops are all eligible. NACA’s programs have already achieved tremendous success nationwide through their 47 offices, including one in Charlotte.
NACA 抵押贷款:NACA 以以下特殊条款提供美国最好的抵押贷款:
- 无需首付
- 无交易费用(贷方支付)
- 不收费
- 贷款价值 -100% 购买和 110% 购买康复
- 不考虑信用评分
- 低于市场固定利率
- 15年或30年完全摊销
- 买断将利率永久降低到几乎为零
- 可提供购买和装修资金
NACA 的“家庭储蓄计划”也将在此次活动中亮相,以帮助那些因抵押贷款负担不起而陷入困境的房主。 NACA 与主要贷方签订的具有法律约束力的协议以及其不懈的倡导已导致超过 25 万房主获得负担得起的抵押贷款修改,并使他们的房屋免于止赎。
有关所需文件和注册,请访问 www.naca.com 或打电话 281-968-6222.欢迎步入。
NACA 的家庭储蓄和购买计划在国家和地方新闻中被强调为提供负担得起的房屋所有权的最有效方法:
纽约时报: 购房冠军
美国有线电视新闻网: 一个人与止赎的斗争
关于 NACA (www.naca.com):
NACA, Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, is one of the largest HUD certified counseling agencies with more than two million members. NACA is the largest and most effective organization in modifying mortgages and provides the best mortgage in the country. NACA CEO Bruce Marks was named Bostonian of the Year for 2007 because of his work in getting the major lenders and servicers to modify home loans for borrowers who come through NACA. See Bostonian of the Year. He has also testified before Congress on numerous occasions including September 12, 2000, being one of the only people to sound the alarm of the pending mortgage crisis. For more information go to www.naca.com.