NACA 启动伊利诺伊州历史上最大的购房活动

Providing Unprecedented Homeownership Opportunity With No Down Payment & No Closing Cost Mortgage

(Tinley Park, IL) Today at 1:00 p.m. NACA will kick off a massive homeownership event at its “实现梦想” one-stop mortgage event at the Tinley Park Convention Center.

Several homeowners who have purchased through the NACA program will be on hand to share their experiences. Local officials from around Chicagoland will attend the press conference as well. They will be joined by NACA CEO Bruce Marks, Bank of America executives and other community leaders to highlight the extraordinary homeownership opportunities provided during this four-day event.  Thousands of homebuyers will attend with the opportunity to access NACA’s Best in America Mortgage.  

“The NACA Mortgage, without the need for a down payment or closing costs, eliminates the significant savings requirement that locks out many homebuyers in today’s market”, stated Bruce Marks, NACA’s CEO and founder. The 22 previous Achieve the Dream events nationwide have seen tens of thousands of homebuyers in attendance.

NACA 是唯一一家提供简化的一站式抵押贷款业务的组织,旨在消除中低收入和少数族裔购房者的购房障碍。该计划通过真正负担得起的抵押贷款直接应对经济适用房危机,无需首付、无成交成本、无 PMI,以低于市场的固定利率购买,可以低至接近零且无需完美信贷。 NACA 为数以千计的中低收入购房者提供了前所未有的购房机会。

The NACA mortgage program features no down payment, no closing costs, no PMI, does not use your credit score and features a below market fixed rate (3.0%/30-year and 2.625%/15-year as of 9/5/19) that can be bought down to nearly zero. Everyone receives the same incredible terms, and NACA is the only program doing so, according to Forbes Magazine. $15 Billion dollars has been committed to the NACA program by major banks.  

实现梦想 活动是帮助解决芝加哥和全国的经济适用房问题的一种方式,尤其是对于工薪阶层。该活动将为那些无法实现负担得起的房屋所有权梦想的人们打开闸门。

During the mortgage crisis, NACA’s “Save the Dream” events attracted tens of thousands of homeowners where NACA was able to modify over 250,000 unaffordable mortgages. Now NACA’s Achieve the Dream event in Tinley Park will also host thousands of primarily low and moderate-income people who are homebuyers participating in NACA’s purchase program. Ten years after the beginning of the mortgage crisis, NACA is the one bright light in mortgage lending for low to moderate-income and minority borrowers. #A实现梦想NACA。