Press Release – November 19, 2021
Jill Konopka – Communications Director; Cell: 617-477-7274 [email protected]
Tim Trumble – Media Specialist Cell: 617-947-2632; [email protected]
(Atlanta, Georgia) NACA proudly endorses City Council President Felicia Moore to lead Atlantans as the 61S t Mayor of the city. NACA’s CEO Bruce Marks and President Moore will make this announcement to over 1,000 NACA Members tomorrow on a live Zoom webinar Saturday Nov. 20 at 9:00 a.m. President Moore has stood up for Atlanta’s low to moderate income and minority residents during her twenty years on the city council. She continued this advocacy by standing with hundreds of renters on the brink of eviction during the launch of NACA’s national Tenants Rising campaign on Tuesday Nov. 16 at the Georgia Department of Community affairs. NACA encourages its 54,000 Members who live in Atlanta to vote for President Felicia Moore for mayor of Atlanta. NACA will significantly impact the mayoral runoff with outreach to its Membership and other community residents through emails, text messaging, Robocalls and canvassing.
When President Moore took the podium Tuesday, November 16th outside the Georgia Department of Community Affairs with over 300 tenants in crisis, she reiterated, “Let’s start with the first word “Emergency! Emergency! Emergency! It’s an act of something urgent, it’s something that has to happen now and you’re asking for Emergency Rental Assistance!” “It was an honor to stand united with hundreds of NACA Member tenants in need of Emergency Rental Assistance as part of NACA’s Tenants Rising campaign, to hold the Georgia Department of Community Affairs accountable. I look forward to working with NACA as Mayor of Atlanta to achieve affordable homeownership on a large scale and address the racial wealth disparity gap,” added President Moore.
“I am confident”, states Bruce Marks NACA’s CEO, “that with NACA support, City Council President Felicia Moore will become mayor. Her knowledge, experience and determination will transform city government in providing first class services and programs including affordable and fair housing for all Atlanta’s residents.” NACA has already demonstrated its political influence across Georgia with more than 340,000 Members statewide. NACA, through its PAC, Economic Justice for All, was instrumental in the senate runoff victories for Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Additionally, NACA’s reputation in fighting for and providing affordable homeownership will be instrumental for Mayor Moore in making affordable housing a reality in Atlanta
NACA has been at the forefront in the fight for affordable homeownership since the 1980’s when NACA launched campaigns against predatory lenders and coined the term “Predatory Lending.” Over the years, NACA has grown significantly across the United States by creating affordable homeownership opportunities for low and low to moderate income and minority homebuyers. NACA has been the forefront in fighting predatory lending and during the mortgage crisis was the most effective organization in providing affordable solutions to over 250,000 homeowners. NACA has since become the nation’s largest HUD approved non-profit home ownership and community advocacy organization providing services nationwide through its 48 offices and call center. NACA provides the Best Mortgage in America with $20 billion with the following incredible terms: no down payment, no closing cost, no fees at a below market fixed rate (2.0% 30 yr. fixed or 1.375% 15 yr. fixed as of 11/19/21). NACA’s founder and CEO Bruce Marks was named Bostoniano del año for 2007 because of his work in getting the major lenders and servicers to modify home loans. He has also testified before Congress on numerous occasions including September 12, 2000 being one of the few to sound the alarm of the pending mortgage crisis. For more information, please visit www.naca.com