(Las Vegas, Nevada) Nevada 1st District Congresswoman Dina Titus will visit NACA’s huge Achieve the Dream event in the Lotus Ballroom of the Luxor Hotel and Casino this Saturday, October 25e at 1:00 pm and address the hundreds of NACA homebuyers and staff on hand at 1:30 pm.
Congresswoman Titus, the senior member of the Nevada delegation in the House of Representatives, has been an active advocate for affordable housing, which is closely related to her membership on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and on the House Committee on Homeland Security.
She has also received numerous awards from various state and local organizations, but one of her proudest moments came in 2006 with the dedication of the Dina Titus Estates, an innovative affordable housing complex for disabled Nevadans, named in recognition of the Congresswoman’s tireless advocacy.
NACA’s massive homeownership event in Las Vegas runs now through Sunday, October 27th at the Luxor Hotel, 3900 S. Las Vegas Blvd in Las Vegas. This “Réalisez le rêve" event is bringing extraordinary homeownership opportunities with NACA’s Best in America Mortgage program. Thousands of people will attend from the Las Vegas area and across the country to take advantage of NACA’s.
Au cours de cette opération de prêt hypothécaire à guichet unique, le programme NACA offre des possibilités d'accession à la propriété sans précédent pour les acheteurs de maison à revenu faible à modéré avec la Meilleur en Amérique hypothèque qui ne nécessite aucun acompte, aucun frais de clôture, aucun PMI, à un taux fixe inférieur au marché and without consideration of a homebuyer’s credit score. The interest rate is 3.375% APR for 30-year fixed and 2.75% APR 15-year fixed (as of 10/25/19). As Forbes magazine noted, every lender with a low down payment mortgage charges a different interest rate depending on the borrowers circumstances. Forbes also pointed out, “There is one exception, NACA, that charges the same rate regardless of the credit score”. Bank of America has committed $10 Billion to the NACA mortgage. NACA counselors and underwriters will be on-site at the event to approve many homebuyers in one day for the NACA Mortgage.
Multiple government officials have shown their interest with visits to NACA’s Achieve the Dream tour during 2019, including Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting, New York Congressman Gregory Meeks from the powerful House Financial Services Committee and William Lacy Clay, Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development & Insurance
The Las Vegas Achieve the Dream event runs from Thursday, October 24e through Sunday, October 27th, from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM each day. Tens of thousands of people have attended the 24 previous Achieve the Dream events across the country, which have destroyed the myth that it is not possible to lend on affordable terms to low-to-moderate income and minority individuals. The Achieve the Dream event is open to all prospective homebuyers and all current homeowners who have an unaffordable mortgage. NACA services are free of charge and walk-ins are welcome. (cliquez pour l'histoire CNBC)