(Boston, MA) – On Wednesday, November 22sd one hundred first-time homebuyers will gather in NACA’s twenty-one offices across the country to finalize the purchase of their own homes. Some of NACA’s 10,000 current homeowners will join them in a pre-Thanksgiving celebration of this momentous event.
The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) is a non-profit community advocacy and housing services organization whose mission is to stabilize neighborhoods and communities nationwide through America’s best home-ownership program. The open house on Wednesday will showcase NACA’s revolutionary lending program, which extends the dream of homeownership to people without high savings or perfect credit. Instead of facing unaffordable rates and fees in the subprime market, NACA’s participants can purchase single or multi-family homes, refinance a predatory loan or renovate a property on the following incredible terms:
- No Downpayment.
- No Closing Costs.
- No Fees.
- No need for perfect Credit.
- Below-Market Interest Rate, currently at 7.0% (30 year fixed).
“It sounds too good to be true,” admits Bruce Marks, NACA’s CEO, “but in reality, it’s even better than it sounds. Besides offering an unbeatable mortgage, we provide our clients home buyer education and individual counseling – and all of NACA’s services are free.”
How does NACA do it? It’s simple. As a non-profit community advocacy organization, NACA’s foremost responsibility is to its homebuyers and their communities, not to investors. When typical subprime lenders lead their customers on a downward spiral to financial devastation or foreclosure, NACA works patiently to keep families in their homes with mortgage payments that are affordable over the long term.
Through aggressive advocacy and top-level services, NACA has become the country’s largest housing services organization. America’s biggest lenders have committed $4.3 Billion in mortgage funding so that NACA can offer its revolutionary program to even more urban and rural communities across America. Marks has extended an open invitation for Wednesday’s celebration; “It’s a great opportunity for people to learn about our services and see first-hand what NACA can do. We’d like everyone to join in welcoming our new homeowners into their communities.”
When: Wednesday November 22sd from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where: 3593 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain MA 02130
What: Nationwide Thanksgiving home ownership celebration.