NACA’s mission is to provide the Best in America Mortgage to low-to-moderate income people and people purchasing in low-to-moderate income communities. Member’s status is either Priority or Non-Priority based on their income compared with the median income in the Metropolitan Statistical Area (“MSA”) where the property you are interested in purchasing is located. Priority Members, who have lower incomes, receive a significantly lower below market fixed interest rate and a much larger geographic area to purchase a home (details are provided below). Also, higher income Members purchasing in a lower income area also receive a significantly lower below market fixed interest rate.
The below information shows you how to identify the MSA where you want to purchase. Since you can change your Member Status by purchasing a home in another MSA with a different median income, you may be a Priority Member in one MSA and not in another.
Membros prioritários
Low-to-moderate income Members (i.e., borrowers and co-borrowers) whose combined income is equal to or less than the median family income for the MSA where they are purchasing a home.
Non-Priority Members
Members (i.e., borrowers and co-borrower) whose combined income is greater than the median family income for the MSA where they are purchasing a home.
MSA Determination
Use the button below to open the tool which lets you determine the MSA where the property you are interested in purchasing is located using the ZIP code.