(Atlanta, GA) NACA’s incredible Save-the-Dream event continues.  With pillows, food and water in hand, homeowners from around the country are camped out at the Georgia World Congress Center hoping for a chance to save their homes. More than 40,000 people have come through since the event began Friday and continues through Tuesday – all day and all night for over 100 straight hours.  NACA has brought its SAVE the DREAM (of Home ownership) Tour sponsored by the City of Atlanta to the Georgia World Congress Center June 11-15º. Many homeowners get mortgage payments cut the very same day by hundreds of dollars a month and sometimes over $1,000/month. And it’s free.

NACA can do this while the Obama administration’s efforts to avert foreclosures and others have failed.  Realtytrac reported last week that foreclosures are on the rise in Georgia.  “We can tell the financial distress among Georgians is growing because we had more than 17,000 people waiting to get in the event before we opened the doors at 9 am last Friday” , said NACA CEO Bruce Marks.

Homeowners like Eddie Hall of McDonough, Georgia saved his home after spending the night at the Save the Dream event.  “I’m so grateful that NACA cut my mortgage payment in half saving over $400 a month.  This means everything to me”, said Hall who took advantage of the 24 hour mortgage marathon.

NACA works directly with all the major the Lenders/Servicers (who are also on tour with us) to provide same day solutions. We provide thousands of homeowners with long-term affordable payments by reducing their interest rates to 4%, 3% or 2% and sometimes reducing the outstanding principal. (i.e. This is called the “NACA Restructure”).

Torina Stephens of Austell, Georgia saw her interest rate drop from 9% to 2% after attending the event. “I didn’t think this was possible! NACA helped me save my home and it really saved my life.  I’m saving $782 a month, “said Stephens.  Kimberly Graham of Atlanta salvou sua casa também.  “This is the best news I’ve had in a long time.  I’m saving $727 um mês e minha taxa de juros foi reduzida para 3% ”, disse Graham.

“We are able to help Hall, Stephens and thousands more because we’ve been successful in getting unprecedented legal agreements with all the major lenders including investors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to save homes for working families,” adds Marks. NACA’s 19º Save-the-Dream event continues in Atlanta through Tuesday.