Same Day Mortgage Modifications at NACA’s Save the Dream Event in Charlotte Dec. 3rd – 7th

(Charlotte, NC) — While the Obama administration’s plan to help homeowners avoid foreclosure is failing, NACA’s Save the Dream Tour has been one shining light in the mortgage crisis.  At 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday December 1S t , at NACA’s Counseling Center located at 5855 Executive Center Drive, 2Dakota del Norte Floor,  NACA’s CEO Bruce Marks, along with homeowners previously helped in the program, will announce the Save the Dream Tour’s arrival in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Los eventos Save the Dream de NACA son increíbles, ya que miles de personas tienen sus pagos hipotecarios reducidos permanentemente en más de $500 y muchos en más de $1,000 al mes, a menudo con tasas de interés reducidas a 3% o 2% y, a veces, una reducción del capital. Muchos se harán el mismo día. Esperamos más de 50,000 propietarios durante los cinco días. Habrá más de 350 asesores de la NACA para determinar un pago hipotecario asequible para el prestatario, y cientos de miembros del personal de los prestamistas de los principales prestamistas para procesar y aprobar las soluciones. NACA tiene contratos legalmente vinculantes con todos los prestamistas / administradores principales, incluidos Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac. Todos los servicios de NACA son GRATIS.

“NACA has shown that permanent modifications for tens of thousands of borrowers are possible when you provide lenders with the proper tools and require them to make mortgages affordable.” says Bruce Marks NACA CEO.  “President Obama needs to stop pleading, begging, bribing and now shaming the lenders to do what they should be required to do.  We invite the Treasury Department to visit the Charlotte and the New York City event the following week to witness the NACA solution to the foreclosure crisis in person.”.

The Save the Dream event takes place at The Park, formally known as the Merchandise Mart, in Charlotte for five days from Thursday, December 3rd through Monday December 7th from 9 am to 8 pm each day.  The tour continues to New York City’s Javits Center from Friday December 11th through Monday December 15th.  

The incredible success of NACA and its Save the Dream Tour was featured recently on the CBS Evening News and on ABC’s Nightline as well as on National Public Radio.

All of NACA’s services are free. Homeowners drive and fly from long distances to attend these extraordinary Save the Dream events. Anyone interested in attending the Save the Dream event Thursday December 3rd through Monday the 7th can pre-register at; or register by calling toll-free (888) 499-6222. Walk-ins are welcome.
Acerca de la Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (
Founded in 1988, NACA is a national non-profit community advocacy and homeownership organization headquartered in Boston. Through its 38 offices nationwide and two call centers, NACA has set the national standard in restructuring thousands of mortgages to what the homeowners can afford as well as providing the best mortgage in America for homebuyers.

Las noticias sobre el programa y la promoción de NACA se han presentado en los medios de comunicación nacionales y locales. El Boston Globe eligió a Bruce Marks, fundador y director ejecutivo de Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), como su Bostonian of the Year 2007. Existe un gran reconocimiento por la efectividad de la defensa de NACA y por brindar soluciones reales y asequibles para la propiedad de vivienda para los trabajadores. Bostoniano del año.