La NACA et le pays définissent la norme de prêt

(Washington, DC) Thanks to a legal agreement between the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) and Countrywide Financial Corporation, tens of thousands of homeowners at risk of foreclosure will now...

Break Through in Foreclosure Prevention

(Washington, D.C.) The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America will announce the first major breakthrough that will provide unprecedented homeownership opportunities for many working people at risk of foreclosure, including the...

Début du boycott dans tout le pays

(Jamaica Plain, MA) On Thursday, October 11th at 12:00 p.m. at NACA’s headquarters (3593 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, MA), a nationwide boycott of Countrywide Financial Corporation will begin.  The boycott...

Les emprunteurs de tout le pays doivent être protégés

(Washington, DC) Le jeudi 23 août 2007, la Neighbourhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) a amené les emprunteurs de Countrywide à Washington DC pour exposer les pratiques prédatrices de Countrywide au National Press Club. ...