(Charlotte, NC) — While the Obama administration’s plan to help homeowners avoid foreclosure is failing, NACA’s Save the Dream Tour has been one shining light in the mortgage crisis. At...
NACA anuncia o maior evento de modificação de hipoteca para chegar a Nova York
(New York, NY) While the Obama administration’s plan to help homeowners avoid foreclosure is failing, NACA’s Save the Dream Tour has been one shining light in the mortgage crisis. At...
Centenas convergem para a Pimco em Newport Beach, o maior investidor em títulos do mundo
(Newport Beach, CA) Na quarta-feira ao meio-dia, ônibus cheios de mais de 500 pessoas irão convergir para a rica comunidade de Newport Beach, onde a empresa de investimento Global Pimco está localizada ...
(Newport Beach, CA) On Wednesday at noon busloads of more than 500 people will converge on the wealthy community of Newport Beach where the Global investment firm Pimco is located...
NACA dá entrevista coletiva para a turnê Save the Dream que chegará a Los Angeles na quinta-feira, 24 de setembro
(Los Angeles, CA) The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) is bringing its nationwide Save the Dream tour to the Los Angeles Convention Center for five days, from Thursday, September...
NACA Provides Mortgage Solutions to At-Risk Homeowners
(WASHINGTON, DC) On Wednesday, July 9th at 10:30 a.m. at the Capital Hilton Hotel, 1001 16th Street, NW, Washington D.C., homeowners who have defeated foreclosure through NACA will join religious,...
O governador do NC, Perdue, une forças com a NACA para a criação massiva de empregos
(Charlotte, NC) Na quinta-feira, 11 de junho às 9h30, a governadora Beverly Perdue da Carolina do Norte e a NACA anunciarão a maior contratação de empregos no país desde o início ...
Dezenas de milhares de proprietários de casas se aglomeram no evento Save the Dream da NACA em Columbia SC para reestruturar suas hipotecas
(Columbia, SC) – Starting on Friday March 13th at 9:00 a.m. through Monday March 16th at the Carolina Coliseum (701 Assembly Street) in Columbia, South Carolina will turn into a...
Congressista Clyburn e NACA Anunciam Evento Salve o Sonho em Columbia, SC
(Columbia, SC) On Monday, March 9th at 9:30 a.m. at the Carolina Coliseum (701 Assembly Street) James E. Clyburn, Sixth District Congressman and House Majority Whip and Bruce Marks, CEO...
Solução sem precedentes para a crise hipotecária
(Washington, D.C.) On Wednesday February 18th at 10:00 a.m. at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., NACA, a national nonprofit advocacy and HUD certified counseling agency, will join with...
Milhares de proprietários de casas buscam solução gratuita para problemas de hipotecas no evento “Save The Dream Of Homeownership” da NACA no Marriott Hotel em Stamford, Ct, de 7 a 9 de fevereiro de 2009
(Stamford, CT) On Saturday, February 7th beginning at 9:00 a.m. thousands of homeowners will journey to the Marriott Hotel in Stamford Ct (243 Tresser Blvd) to make their mortgage payment...
NACA vai enfrentar e ocupar a Fannie Mae
(Washington, D.C.) On Wednesday October 29th at 11:00 a.m., hundreds of homeowners will demonstrate and take other actions at the headquarters of Fannie Mae, 3900 Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, DC. ...