(Charlotte, NC) On Thursday, June 11th at 9:30 a.m., Governor Beverly Perdue of North Carolina and NACA will be announcing the largest job hiring in the country since the beginning of this economic crisis. The announcement will take place at NACA’s Counseling Center at 5855 Executive Center Drive, 4th floor, Charlotte, N.C. where many of the additional staff will be working to restructure mortgages for homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage payment.
With unemployment on the rise around the nation, NACA and the state of North Carolina are stepping forward with very positive economic news. The announcement addresses two crucial economic issues: 1) additional jobs for working people, and 2) Restructuring unaffordable mortgages with a permanent affordable payment.
NACA has been the most effective organization in advocating against predatory lending and fighting foreclosures. Many of the new staff will join NACA as it embarks on its nationwide Save the Dream Tour. The staff from the Counseling Center in Charlotte will travel to cities nationwide to work on Save the Dream events where over 25,000 people are counseled over four days, with thousands receiving affordable restructured mortgages with permanent interest rates often at 4%, 3% and 2% and, where necessary, the principal reduced. NACA has legally binding agreements with all the major lenders/servicers to restructure the mortgages they service, covering over 90% of homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage. Click here to view a video of the events.
North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue, former Bank of America Chairman and CEO Hugh McColl, Charlotte Chamber of Commerce reps, other political and community leaders will join NACA CEO Bruce Marks to make this unprecedented announcement.
“This is the largest job creation effort since the mortgage crisis has put our nation in a recession,” said Marks. “These are newly created jobs where staff will have the opportunity to provide extraordinary solutions for homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage. The hiring of so many people beginning this Friday in North Carolina would not have been possible without the support of Governor Perdue”. Marks continues, “We thank her and her staff for opening up so many opportunities for people in the state.”
As Governor Perdue says “People need jobs, and they need them now. We’re grateful that NACA has stepped in to provide employment in our state.”
The hiring will begin immediately with a hiring fair at NACA’s Charlotte Counseling Center on Friday and Saturday, June 12th and 13th from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. NACA will hire people to provide counseling and solutions for homeowners nationwide who have an unaffordable mortgage payment as well as other positions related to the providing the best mortgage solution for both homebuyers and homeowners.
WHERE: NACA Counseling Center, 5855 Executive Center Drive, Charlotte, NC
WHEN: 9:30 a.m. Thursday June 11, 2009
WHAT: Largest job creation in the country since the economic crisis
WHO: Governor Perdue, Hugh McColl, Bruce Marks, other political and community leaders