[Atlanta, GA] – NACA will conduct a voter mobilization rally and press conference at 12:00 pm (noon) on Thursday October 15, 2020 at the House of Hope Atlanta, 4650 Flat...
Dozens Waiting in Line as Final day of NACA’s Achieve the Dream Event Opens in Miami
(Miami, FL) The final day of NACA’s five-day “Achieve the Dream” homeownership event opened the same way as all four previous days, with lines of people waiting to be approved...
NACA to Hold Homeownership Event for Thousands in Houston
(Houston, TX) NACA (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America), the nation’s largest HUD certified, non-profit housing counseling and community advocacy organization, is bringing a massive homeownership event to Houston for five...
Invitation Homes Exploits Tenants During Pandemic Crisis
(Boston, MA) NACA, the largest non-profit HUD approved counseling organization, is working with thousands of Invitation Home tenants. They have responded to the mailing NACA did to over 80,000 Invitation...
Over Ten Thousand Homebuyers Attend First Ever Virtual Homeownership Event to Access NACA’s Best in America Mortgage
(Boston, MA) NACA, the largest non-profit HUD approved counseling organization, is making mortgage history in overcoming the obstacles of this pandemic. Over ten thousand low-and moderate-income and minority homebuyers participated...
Despite Pandemic, Thousands Attend Homeownership Event to Access NACA’s Best in America Mortgage
(Boston, MA) Starting Thursday May 14th NACA, America’s largest HUD certified counseling agency, is conducting massive four-day virtual homebuying events. NACA is changing the face of mortgage lending nationwide by...
NACA’s Achieve the Dream Event in Savannah Continues to Create Homeowners
(Savannah, GA) Hundreds of future homeowners have attended the first two days of NACA’s Achieve the Dream affordable homeownership event at the Savannah Convention Center, which is continuing as originally...
NACA Holds Homeownership Event for Thousands in Savannah
(Savannah, GA) NACA, the nation’s largest HUD-certified non-profit organization is bringing the Nation’s Largest Homeownership Event to Savannah to help low and moderate-income families become homeowners. Thousands are set to...
NACA Achieve the Dream Event Open and Helping Homebuyers as Scheduled
(Houston, TX) More than 1,000 future homeowners attended the first day of NACA’s Achieve the Dream affordable homeownership event, and many of them left that day ready to start house...
NACA Holds Homeownership Event for Thousands in Houston
(Houston, TX) NACA, the nation’s largest HUD-certified non-profit organization is bringing the Nation’s Largest Homeownership Event to Tampa to help low and moderate-income families become homeowners. WHAT: Thousands are set...
NACA’s Affordable Homeownership Event Underway in Tampa
(Tampa, FL) NACA’s Tampa Achieve the Dream event opened its four-day run this morning with dozens of future homeowners on hand to start their journey to affordable homeownership with NACA’s...
U.S. Senate Candidate Royce West to Visit NACA Homeownership Event at 1:30 Today
(Dallas, TX) NACA, the nation’s largest HUD-certified non-profit organization is bringing the Nation’s Largest Homeownership Event to Dallas to help low and moderate-income families become homeowners. WHAT: State Senator and...