NACA to Hold Homeownership Event for Thousands in Houston

(Houston, TX) NACA (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America), the nation’s largest HUD certified, non-profit housing counseling and community advocacy organization, is bringing a massive homeownership event to Houston for five...

Invitation Homes Exploits Tenants During Pandemic Crisis

(Boston, MA) NACA, the largest non-profit HUD approved counseling organization, is working with thousands of Invitation Home tenants.  They have responded to the mailing NACA did to over 80,000 Invitation...

NACA Holds Homeownership Event for Thousands in Savannah

(Savannah, GA) NACA, the nation’s largest HUD-certified non-profit organization is bringing the Nation’s Largest Homeownership Event to Savannah to help low and moderate-income families become homeowners.   Thousands are set to...

NACA Holds Homeownership Event for Thousands in Houston

(Houston, TX) NACA, the nation’s largest HUD-certified non-profit organization is bringing the Nation’s Largest Homeownership Event to Tampa to help low and moderate-income families become homeowners.   WHAT:          Thousands are set...