NACA Confronts Ford’s Sellout Settlement

(Boston, MA) – The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) has launched a massive grassroots attack against a proposed settlement of Ford Motor Company’s predatory lending practices.  The proposed settlement...

Day of Action Against Ford Motor Company

(Boston, MA) – On Wednesday September 10th, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) will initiate a day of confrontations against Ford for its predatory lending practices.   Ford, as the...

The Country’s Largest Homeownership Rally

(Boston, MA) – The country’s largest private sector housing initiative with mortgages that require no down payment, no closing costs and have liberal underwriting guidelines is celebrating this tremendous program...

Rebuilding Program Responds to Church Attacks

(Charlotte, NC) – The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), the membership of over 50 black churches in Charlotte N.C. and NationsBank will send a strong message of resolve to...